Bikkur Holim and G’milut Chasadim

Temple Emek Shalom’s Bikkur Holim and G’milut Chasadim Committee is dedicated to fulfilling the mitzvah of visiting the sick (bikkur holim) and acts of loving kindness (g’milut chasadim).  By providing compassion, communication, and support to each other we strengthen our connection to one another. 

Committee members make phone calls, send notes expressing concern for illness or loss, and more, as well as make home visits to members.  We follow up with providing meals as needed and provide medical transportation.  In addition, we provide community resource information.

We have recently begun to expand to offer support to families and members who are not just ill or recovering, but also who are in need of connection or support, even in times of joy and celebration.

Anyone wishing to join the committee in its important work is most welcome.  If members are in need of a Bikkur Holim or G’milut Chasadim, or if you have questions or requests, please contact Board Trustee Susan Hindawi at, or  the Temple Office at (541) 488-2909,  We are here to help.

We are indebted to the members of this committee who give of their time and resources to fulfill others’ needs and tend to the community.  Our volunteers’ loyalty, compassion and conscientiousness is a model of selflessness in a world where so often the needs of others are ignored.