Temple Emek Shalom has an active team of library volunteers who keep our library programs functioning smoothly. Their participation may range from labeling books to shelving books to assisting with the annual book sale. Some keep busy entering books into our catalog. Our volunteers are fun to work with and they share your love of learning. Email librarian@emekshalom.org of your interest in joining us and someone will contact you.
The library gratefully accepts books on subjects that are consistent with and further the library’s mission. Hardback books in good, unmarked condition are preferred. Because of limited shelf space, the library usually cannot accept duplicates of books already in the collections. Prior to your donation, please contact us to be certain that books are currently being accepted.
Our library continues to be a vibrant center of learning and community because of the generosity of the library’s supporters. Financial gifts help us expand our collections and provide for other library offerings. If you wish to contribute to this shared endeavor with a financial gift, please CLICK here and go to the Emma Lazarus Library Fund.
No matter how you get involved we appreciate your love of books and learning.