
“Jewish Meditation is a practice that can sustain you and deepen your Connection to the Divine over the course of your lifetime. Seekers Throughout history have practiced it and reaped its  rewards, and today Many people are making it a significant part of their everyday spiritual practice.” (Nan Fink Geffen)

Meditation is on break.  Check back for updates.

Because meditation is such a valuable access point for many Jews as a spiritual practice, Temple Emek Shalom offers weekly meditation sits, led by lay leaders, on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am via Zoom. We meditate in unison for about 45 minutes, often beginning with a brief introduction to provide participants a means of centering and entering a contemplative mood. Additionally, at other times, meditation is integrated into services and gatherings. TES has offered several retreats and Shabbatons where meditation and contemplation are the centerpiece. Come sit with us! All are welcome and no prior meditation experience is necessary.