It is our minhag (custom) to offer a variety of religious services and observances that will appeal to a broad range of congregants and guests. Listed below are short descriptions of each of our regular (or semi-regular!) worship services offered at Temple Emek Shalom. They are, of course, all subject to change, and for now, all offerings (unless otherwise noted) will be held via Zoom.
Shabbat Simcha
Prior to COVID, every first Shabbat of the month would be dedicated to celebrating special occasions (simchaot) in the month ahead (birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, happy news, etc). We are happy to have this sweet tradition back.
In addition to having an Aliyah for those celebrating and honoring something on Shabbat Simcha, we also encourage people to bring something to add to our Shabbat Oneg after services.
We are looking forward to celebrating with you and lifting up more simcha/joy!
Shabbat Shirah
Shabbat Shirah (Sabbath of Song) is our all-music Friday evening Sabbath service led in prayer by Rabbi Benioff and might include musicians Bari Frimkess, Dave Young, Jordan Saturen, Jeff Solomon, and Dennis Freese. The Jewish music from around the world regularly includes Israeli, Sepharadi, Ashkenazi, and Mizrachi and also includes some contemporary music that captures the kavanah/intention of the Friday night shabbat prayers. Starting at 7:00 PM, many months throughout the year, we come together for this wonderful service. Join us!
Eat, Pray, Sing Family Shabbat Service
Every other month: Eat, Pray, Sing – Shabbat Around the Table is an informal potluck Shabbat dinner. It begins with the blessings over candles, wine and challah, Erev Shabbat songs, and a short story or teaching by the Rabbi, or another parent. After the meal, we join together in more z’mirot (songs).
Join us for Torah study at 9:00 AM prior to Shabbat services on most Saturdays. Please see our calendar for the current schedule. Shabbat morning Torah services begin at 10 AM.
Shabbat Torah services are held most Saturday mornings. Amidst the music of our prayers and Torah reading, we enjoy a Torah teaching (and often discussion) based on the week’s parashah (Torah portion). The first Shabbat service of every month is Shabbat Simcha, where we invite those celebrating a joyous occasion (simcha) to share that with us and to be honored with an Aliyah.
At 7:15 AM on Tuesdays and Fridays we gather together for a 45 minute Shacharit service.
At 5:00 PM on Tuesdays we gather for a 45 minute Maariv service.
*Please note: Our Tuesday and Thursday services are co-offered with other congregations in the community.