A Word about the Liaison Committee
A liaison committee is found in many congregations across the US and has served as a means to facilitate the kind of communication the community and Rabbi desires. Our RLC is a tool for members to share feedback about the rabbi and their experiences at TES and for Rabbi Julie to work constructively through issues that arise and continue to grow in her service to us as our rabbi.
Here is a little information about how the Rabbi Liaison Committee works. There is no one-size-fits-all approach that will cover everything that is brought to the committee and the committee is made up of volunteers whose goal is to serve the best interest of this community. Their job is first and foremost to discern what will help us move forward in building a sacred, open and growing community that best serves its members.
When a submission is received, the committee will acknowledge receipt within 3 business days. If you don’t receive an acknowledgement, please contact Steve Portnoy at president@emekshalom.org. Depending on the urgency of the matter, the committee will decide if immediate action is needed or if the matter can wait until the next scheduled committee meeting. As the committee evaluates the submission, they may determine that the content of the submission needs to be shared with people outside the committee such as Rabbi Julie, the Board President or other trusted advisors. When doing so, the identity of the submitter will be withheld. If the committee determines that the best way to move an issue forward and reach a healthy resolution would be to share the identity of the member who raised the concern, they will only do that once the individual has been notified of that plan (and given the opportunity to decline to move directly on the issue). In all cases, when the committee is finished evaluating a submission, an update will be sent to the original submitter explaining the committee’s conclusion and any subsequent actions. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about this.
In no way does this committee want to stand in the way of direct communication between a congregant and our Rabbi, but not everyone feels the same level of comfort. Rabbi Julie welcomes hearing from congregants. The committee’s intention is not to add an obstacle to Rabbinic access, but to ease the way when congregants don’t know how to proceed or when Rabbi Julie wants a “kitchen cabinet” to assist her in addressing your concerns.
The Rabbi Liaison Committee is here as an added layer of support, not an impediment to communication.
We remind you: