
October 7, 2023    
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Shmini Atzeret/Yizkor/Shabbat/Dedication of Jewish Family Resource Center with catered, special Oneg  (Hybrid)

Please join us for a Shabbat Service and the conclusion of Sukkot in which we will celebrate Shmini Atzeret, an extra day of joyous assembly, and where we will pray for rain, and recite Yizkor in honor of our beloveds of blessed memory. Additionally we will be celebrating the dedication of our TES Jewish Family Resource Center, an expanded part of our library, made possible by the vision and generosity of Jerry and Lola Sonnenschein, in loving memory of their son Jason. Rabbi Ken will give the D’var Torah. After the service we will have a catered, special oneg  (Registration for the oneg can be found here).