Forest Bathing with Sari Telpner

Please join TES member and Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Sari Telpner of Wild Wellness Guide, for a Yom Kippur Forest Bathing Experience. In this facilitated practice, we’ll slow down as we quietly meander and connect in a new way with the natural world and our own inner nature. We’ll connect with The More Than Human World (nature) through a series of sensory “Invitations.” 

Forest Bathing and Yom Kippur offer us space to leave our normal sense of time and orientation towards “doing” and drop into an embodied way of being. We’ll connect in a new way with the land, ourselves and others as we unplug, rest, renew and clear out hearts and minds before stepping into the new year ahead. We complete our experience with a wild foraged forest tea ritual. 

Please join me and our community as we welcome in the year ahead through intention; bathing in the essence of the forest and connecting in a new way with The Earth.

Places are limited. Pre-register with Sari to hold your place and receive all the details including our meeting site at Lithia Park, or call 541-482-4095 with any questions. This practice involves slow walking/movement, stopping, standing in place and sometimes sitting on the ground, large rocks or benches if they are available. 

Please let me  know if you have questions regarding your abilities in terms of being able to participate.