The Library Catalog: How to Find A Book
The TES Library catalog is a “cloud-based” program. You can access it from any computer, including the one you are now using. It is a “read only” program: you cannot alter or delete it or its content.
Click here to access the Catalog.
Questions & Answers and Helpful Hints
The catalog will help you find books in our Library. It will tell you the call number of the book and where the book is located (in the Main Library or in the Jewish Family Resource Center).
The catalog is easy to navigate, even for those who have never used an on-line library catalog. What follows are answers to questions new users might have, as well as a few helpful hints (→) ….
You will see this on your computer screen when you click on the link to the TES Library Catalog…
Q: Should I do a Simple Search or an Advanced Search?
A: Select the Simple Search option. It gives you all of the information you need. (The Advanced Search option is intended for library collections that are much larger than ours.)
Q: How do I search for a book by Title?
A: Enter the title in the Text To Search For box. Then click the TITLE box. If the book is in our Library, the entry will appear on the page. If our Library has more than one book by that title, all books by that title will be listed.
→ You can use upper or lower case characters.
Q: How do I search for a book by Author or Editor?
A: If you are looking for a book or books by a specific author or editor, enter the author’s/editor’s name in the Text To Search For box, and then click the AUTHOR box. The catalog will list all of the books in our Library by that author/editor.
→ You can use upper or lower case characters.
→ Always enter the author’s or editor’s last name first followed by a comma, and then his/her first name. And remember to leave a space after the comma.
→ If the book has multiple authors or editors, list the first author’s/editor’s name for your search.
Q: How do I search for a book by Subject?
A: To conduct a search for books on a given subject, enter the subject you are seeking in the Text To Search For box. Then click the box marked SUBJECT1. The catalog will list all of the books in our Library that deal with that subject.
→ You can use upper or lower case characters.
→ We do not list works of fiction by subject. Search for these books (novels and short stories) by AUTHOR or by TITLE.
Q: When and why would I use the box marked ID?
A: Disregard this box. It is there only for administrative purposes.
Q: How do I end one search to begin a new search?
A: Simply delete the information in the TITLE or AUTHOR or SUBJECT1 box from your previous search and then enter the information in the TITLE or AUTHOR or SUBJECT1 box required for your new search.
Q: How do I log out of the catalog?
A: Just exit the program on your computer.
Q: Whom should I contact if I have any other questions?
A: Send an email to: