Here are some resources for counting the Omer, the days between Passover and Shavuot.
• Daily Omer offerings from Rabbi Yael Levy, and A Way in: (Friend and colleague of Rabbi Julie who has also been a guest at TES in years past). You can subscribe by email to her daily Omer teachings and meditations and more here.
• App for cell phone used by Rabbi Julie: Omer Counter, by Rabbi David Cooper, z’l, this app tracks each day, has the blessings for counting each day, and offers a small teaching or quote related to the attributes of the day. The app is available for Apple version and Android version.
• Omer offerings from Hadar: Join Hadar faculty for 15 minutes four nights a week as we count the Omer and explore some of the most classic books of Midrash together. This class is drop-in, and you are invited to attend as many sessions as you can!