We receive many requests to include advertisements or announcements of events in the Temple Emek Shalom monthly and weekly communications. To be mindful of the amount of information that can be effectively included in a single communication, the decision to accommodate a request is based on the following criteria:
If all three criteria are met, then your announcement can be considered for inclusion in the TES communications at no charge. If you can answer “yes” to only two out of the three criteria, you can still have your event considered for inclusion for a small advertising fee. Events that only match one of the criteria may be included for a fee at the discretion of the TES Communications staff.
For an announcement to be included in a single TES Weekly (weekly each Tuesday, sent to the greater community list), the fee is $18. For an announcement to be included in a single month’s Kol Ha’Emek (monthly at the beginning of the month, sent to TES members only), the fee is $36. Decisions about inclusion and fees are made by the TES Communications staff. The TES Board of Trustees has the final say about whether an advertisement will be accepted for publication and if advertising fees apply.